A World Without Thieves

A World Without Thieves simplified Chinese traditional Chinese pinyin Tinxi W Zi is a 2004 Chinese action drama film directed by Feng Xiaogang and starring Andy Lau, Rene Liu, Ge You and Li Bingbing. The film is an adaptation of a novelette of the same title by Zhao Benfu that was first published in 1999. The original story is moderately different from the film adaptation. The film was first released in Shanghai, China onDecember 2004. It clinched the 2005 Golden Horse Award for Best Screenplay Adaptation.

The story is set primarily on a train bound inland from Tibet. Sha Gen played by Wang Baoqiang, a nave village boy working as construction worker in Tibet, was returning home to get married. Refusing to believe that thieves exist in the world, Sha Gen insists on carrying his five years of savings worth 60,000 7,200 USD with him rather than use remittance. Sha Gen also brazenly shouts his earnings in a crowded street. As such, he has attracted the attention of Wang Bo Andy Lau and Wang Li Rene Liu, who are lovers as well as highly skilled professional thieves. Wang Bo wants to steal the money as a last hit to end their career, but Wang Li, pregnant with their child and moved by Sha Gens innocence, decides to protect the boy.The situation is further complicated when a small gang of thieves led by Hu Li homophone of fox Hli in Chinese, also known as Uncle Li Ge You, boards the train. Uncle Li instructs his followers, among them Xiao Ye Li Bingbing and FourEyes Gordon Lam, to refrain from doing a job on the train. Tempted by the huge amount of cash, however, some members disobey and strike, only to be robbed by Wang Bo moments later. This exposes Wangs skills to Uncle Li, who becomes highly interested in recruiting him. When Wang declines, the contest between the Wangs and Uncle Lis gang quickly escalates, with Sha Gen still completely unaware of the danger surrounding him. ........

Source: Wikipedia